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Contact us

Contact us

0700 16 166

On the territory of Bulgaria

International number
+359 700 16 166

International line

Health care
0700 11 555

Health line

Offices and centers

Offices and centers

Damage help

In case of health problem

Upon a claim under Carrier’s Liability Insurance

Upon a claim under Carrier’s Liability Insurance

Submit your claim request and the insurance company will contact you for assistance

Claim Notification

You may submit a claim request and/or notification about an occurred insured even via:

Submitting a written Notification using the Insurer’s template:

  • Online Claim Notification - Submit here
  • Head Agencies/Agencies or Offices in the country
  • Company HQ, Non-motor Claims

Should you need assistance, you may call the Contact Center at:

0700 16 166

Guidelines upon occurrence of an insured event

  1. You should notify immediately the competent authorities upon occurrence or becoming aware of occurrence of an insured event (such as theft, fire and/or road accident)
  2. You must take the necessary damage containment actions
  3. When the presumed damage amounts to:
    - over EUR 1000, occurred abroad, and
    - over BGN 500, occurred on the Republic of Bulgaria’s territory it is necessary to engage a Loss Adjuster.

Loss Adjusters abroad depending on the location of event occurrence, may be found at the following link: 


Contact details of Loss Adjusters for Bulgaria:

email: office@fidelitasgroup.com | phone: +35970033990


Compiling photographic material:

The photographic material should comprise close-up and full-view images, providing information about event type and nature, and damage caused. Submitted images shall have to be of the vehicle’s license plate and cargo space, showing cargo stowing, respectively, fixing, general overview of goods (in unloaded and sorted condition), established damage, etc.

Needed Documents

Required documents upon a registered claim:

  1. Claim Notification - a form as per Insurer’s template
  2. Transport document - CMR waybill, bill of lading
  3. Transport request
  4. Explanations from the lorry driver, in writing
  5. Accident report
  6. Photographic material
  7. Claim by the cargo owner
  8. Cargo invoice
  9. Packing list
  10. Declaration Statement on the existence/lack of cargo insurance
  11. Expenditure documents for damage recovery - invoices and/or cost-proving documents
  12. A certificate of a beneficiary’s bank account

Other specific documents

Upon fire, road accident or theft:

  1. A document of the respective competent authority - Document from the Fire Safety Service, Police Report, Traffic Accident Report and/or else
  2. The final act of pre-litigation procedure conducted – if the case has been investigated

Damaged cargo transported under a temperature regime: