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EuroFuture Insurance and Investment Programme

EuroFuture Insurance and Investment Programme

With EuroFuture you save today to have higher certainty tomorrow. This Insurance and Investment Programme provides the certainty of a Life Insurance coupled with the opportunity to put money aside, while fully taking into account your personal income.


  • A possibility to access the funds of Sivek Global family, established in 1994 and managed by KBC Asset Management
  • Individual choice of investment allocation to the funds offered
  • Flexible insurance protection, which gives you peace of mind and certainty
  • Premium vacation which grants you the option to skip the payment of up to 6 consecutive premiums - in case of need, after the second year
  • An option to partially use the accumulated funds - in case of need, after the second year
  • Through Sivek Global funds you invest in shares and bonds of world famous companies
Contract period Not bound by time, up to turning 80 years of age
Period of insurance coverage Up to 20 years
Currency EUR
Age limits From the age of 18 up to 69 years
Insurance type Individual
Territorial coverage Bulgaria and abroad


Main coverage options

Permanent disability of over 75% as a result of an accident or illness
Death as a result of an accident or illness


Additional Coverage Options

Accident The sum insured under the Accident Insurance package is a subject of choice and may be 50%, 100%, 150% or 200% of the sum insured under the basic coverage.
Temporary disability as a result of an accident The additional Temporary Disability as a Result of an Accident package is being concluded under the basic coverage of a Life Insurance, associated with an investment fund and conditioned on a concluded Accident Insurance package..
Particularly severe diseases The additional package provides supplementary financial coverage upon the Insuree’s being diagnosed with one of the 17 Particularly Severe Diseases, which has occurred for the first time within the contract period.

Information about the investment funds from the Sivek Global family

Horizon Highly Dynamic Responsible Investing

ISIN: BE0146657904

Price for share:

To date:

Price on 15.03.2024 y:
528.87 EUR

Change for 1 year:
+11.03 %

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Sivek Global High aims to achieve the highest return on investment by investing according to the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management. The Fund invests directly in various asset classes, such as equities and/or investments in shares (75%) and bonds and/or investments in bonds (25%). There is a permitted deviation from the targeted allocation, based on the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management NV (see www.kbcam.kbc.be/en/our-market-vision)

KBC Eco Fund Impact RI

ISIN: BE0175718510

Price for share:

To date:

Price on 15.03.2024 y:
753.61 EUR

Change for 1 year:
-2.99 %

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Horizon KBC Dynamic RI

ISIN: BE0146659926

Price for share:

To date:

Price on 15.03.2024 y:
452.32 EUR

Change for 1 year:
+10.28 %

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Sivek Global Medium aims to achieve the highest return on the investment by investing according to the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management. The Fund invests directly in various asset classes, such as equities and/or investments in shares (50%) and bonds and/or investments in bonds (50%). There is a permitted deviation from the targeted allocation, based on the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management NV (see www.kbcam.kbc.be/en/our-market-vision).

Horizon KBC Defensive RI

ISIN: BE0146661948

Price for share:

To date:

Price on 15.03.2024 y:
364.8 EUR

Change for 1 year:
+4.28 %

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Sivek Global Low aims to achieve the highest return on the investment by investing according to the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management. The Fund invests directly in various asset classes, such as equities and/or investments in shares (30%) and bonds and/or investments in bonds (70%). There is a permitted deviation from the targeted allocation, based on the investment strategy of KBC Asset Management NV (see www.kbcam.kbc.be/en/our-market-vision).

Take a look at other offers of DZI

Good Health

With the individual health insurance you ensure yourself assistance and timely medical care in case of an accident or illness.

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EuroInvest Insurance and Investment Programme

With EuroInvest you gain the certainty of an Accident Insurance protection, while investing with a one-off premium into open-end funds.

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DZI Best Doctors

DZI Best Doctors health insurance for a second medical opinion and treatment abroad offers you peace of mind that you will receive the best possible treatment!

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