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Contact us

Contact us

0700 16 166

On the territory of Bulgaria

International number
+359 700 16 166

International line

Health care
0700 11 555

Health line

Offices and centers

Offices and centers

Damage help

In case of health problem

Upon a claim under Medical Expenses in Case of an Illness or Accident, while Travelling Abroad with Ensured Assistance insurance

Upon a claim under Medical Expenses in Case of an Illness or Accident, while Travelling Abroad with Ensured Assistance insurance

Submit your claim request and the insurance company will contact you for assistance

Claim Notification

Upon occurrence of an insured event the Insuree is obliged to contact the Insurer /Assisting Company immediately, however not later than 3 (three) business days after the insured event’s occurrence, at the 24/7 hotline of DZI Customer Service Centre:

+359 700 16 166

Claim Instructions

  1. Immediately, however not more than 3 (three) business days following an insured event’s occurrence, you should contact the Insurer/Assisting company via the 24/7 Customer Service Centre
  2. You should provide the Insurer/ Assisting company with your full name, Personal ID Number, insurance policy/certificate number, your whereabouts and the nature of the problem
  3. Upon request of the Insurer /Assisting company, you should provide additional information to fully clarify the circumstances, having triggered the insured event, in view of defining the indemnity amount
  4. In the cases when the Insuree has covered the expenses himself/herself, he/she should inform the Insurer within 7 business days of his/her return

Needed Documents

  1. Insurance Policy
  2. Claim Notification Form
  3. Medical documents - originals
  4. Cost-proving documents - originals
  5. Travel-related documents - copies of airplane tickets /booking confirmation
  6. Copy of a Birth Certificate and a Bank Account Statement - in cases when the Insuree is a minor
  7. Certificate of Death - for payment of indemnity upon death due to an accident
  8. Business trip order - upon insurance for multiple business-related travels
  9. Bank Account Certificate