Mr. Anastas Petrov is now officially the Chief Commercial Officer of DZI

23 януари 2025

Following the approval of all regulatory authorities Anastas Petrov officially assumes the position of Management Board Member and Chief Commercial Officer of DZI, effective from 21 January 2025.
Before being nominated for this position, the new CCO of DZI has been for many years Executive Director Corporate and Strategic Partnerships and Investment Management at UBB Pension Insurance.
Anastas Petrov was Executive Director at NN Pension Insurance from September 2009 and kept holding this position also after the acquisition of the pension insurance company by KBC Group Bulgaria in 2021.
Anastas Petrov is a member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Association of the companies for additional pension insurance and Chairman of the Staff Qualification Enhancement Committee with the said association.
He graduated from the University of National and World Economy with a major in Economic Management and Administration. Mr. Petrov holds a Bachelor’s Degree in European Business Administration from the Unіvеrѕіtу оf Lіnсоlnѕhіrе аnd Нumbеrѕіdе (ULН) in the United Kingdom. He also holds an Ехесutіvе Маѕtеr’s degree іn Fіnаnсе, Ваnkіng & Rеаl Еѕtаtе from the American University in Bulgaria and from ЅDА Воссоnі in Italy.