- Claim Request Form Л3-53
- Discharge summary, issued by the healthcare establishment and certifying the surgical intervention performed
- A copy of an official document, containing the Insuree’s bank account, if it has not been indicated in Form ЛЗ 53
- Upon individual insurance:
- Insurance policy - Upon group insurance at the Employer’s expense:
- Служебна бележка от работодателя, че лицето е застраховано - При груповите застраховки за сметка на застрахованите:
- Company Certificate from the Employer that the person is insured
In case the sums will not be received by the eligible person:
Notarized power of attorney from the entitled person, if the sums will be received by another person. The power of attorney must contain a statement (text) that the eligible person has been notified that he is entitled to receive the sums in person.