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Contact us

Contact us

0700 16 166

On the territory of Bulgaria

International number
+359 700 16 166

International line

Health care
0700 11 555

Health line

Offices and centers

Offices and centers

Damage help

In case of health problem


Health portal of DZI

On the DZI Health Portal, you can choose whether you want to submit a new claim notification or check the status of an already submitted claim. To log into the portal, you need to install the Evrotrust or B-trust authentication app on your phone. After selecting one of the two authentication methods, enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and click on the "Login" button. This will give you access to:

  • Information about your contract, including covered risks and annual limits for each of them;
  • Information about the status of your submitted claims for reimbursement, including letters from
  • DZI requesting additional documents or claim denials.

When selecting the “Login” option, in addition to the above activities, you can also:

  • Submit claims for reimbursement of medical expenses online;
  • Request an appointment for a medical examination;

Track information about health services used by you on a subscription basis at DZI partner healthcare institutions.