Main priority of DZi Life Insurance JSC is to maintain and guarantee high-level of customer service. As part of its strategy for insurance business digitalization, DZI Life Insurance has started a partnership with Healee – an on-line diagnostic platform.
Via the Healee mobile application all clients of DZI Life Insurance , holding aGroup Health Insurance – Comprehensive Medical Care, and Individual Health Insurance – Good Health, will be able to receive a medical service, involving a physical examination and consulting without the need to leave their home or work place.
After registration, clients using the Healee, platform will have access to a team of diverse medical specialists to tackle different health complains (allergist, cardiologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, ENT, gastroenterologist, hematologist, homoeopathist, neurologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist and traumatologist, pediatrician, primary medical care and urologist).
The Healee mobile app provides also an option to scan documents, X-ray images and tests results. Any Insuree has at his/her disposal DZI medical examination vouchers,which are activated via Insuree’s personal registration in the application,indicating the number of his/her individual health card, issued by DZI Life Insurance.
Detailed instructions on Healee functioning and DZI voucher activation are available here.
Instructions on what to do upon a health problem - here.