Официална позиция на KBC group 01.02.2012
01 февруари 2012
Във връзка със зачестилите публикации и получени въпроси Ви изпращаме дословно официалната позиция на KBC group относно безпочвените слухове за ДЗИ:
“Dear colleagues,
We were informed that some totally unfounded rumours have been circulating about DZI Insurance in Bulgaria in the last few days.
We informed the journalist from Pressa newspaper on 27 January 2012 already about these unfounded rumours and our reaction was published on 28 January 2012.
Unfortunately the journalist of the Belgian newspaper "De Standaard" did not see the rectification published by the Bulgarian newspaper. He will publish a rectification with our reaction in tomorrow's newspaper.
Although we normally do not react on such totally unfounded rumours, we once again repeat and confirm that DZI (and CIBank) are and remain core companies and that Bulgaria is and remains a core market for the KBC group and an integral part of the group's strategy."
I hope that this makes it very clear to you that this is a totally unfounded rumour and we would very much appreciate if you would stop spreading or publishing it as we believe your readers and our stakeholders expect to read only correct news and not unfounded, crazy rumours.
Thank you in advance and kind regards
Viviane Huybrecht
General Manager Group Communication / spokesperson KBC Group “