how are you

kaksi? You are Top.

Every day we ask our family, friends and colleagues - how are you?
When was the last time we asked ourselves? Probably not soon.
That's why we created kaksi* - an app to remind you to ask
yourself the most important question every day.
And at the end of the day to answer - I'm healthy. I'm top.
*[kaksi] in Bulgarian means “How are you?

Apple App Store Google Play Store

About the app

If you wonder how you are - don't wonder. It's easy,
take your phone out of your pocket and see for yourself.
You'll find information you can trust.
With DZI's new kaksi app, the answer to the question "How are you?”
won't just be "Fine", it will be "I'm healthy. Quick and easy access
to a better life in your pocket.

Privacy policy

General terms and conditions

Data usage

Physical activity

kaksi requires access to Apple Health and Google fit to be able to visualize user information - steps and distance traveled, oxygen saturation, sleep, heart rate.

We use the established Apple and Google standards for logging information as kaksi only uses the end result (the recorded data).

We visualize information regarding the user's health parameters that will allow them to obtain more critical information.

kaksi only processes the steps and distance traveled information to set new user goals and monitor the current ones all other parameters are only read and displayed to the user in a convenient location where each user can monitor their most important activities and health related information in kaksi. In kaksi we developed a smart algorithm that adapts to the user's sports habits. Its goal is to increase the user's activity level by helping them achieve their recommended daily activity levels. To work properly, it analyzes the user's fitness activity and sets new goals.

Steps and distance

Why we use steps and meters - it is easy to understand for kaksi users. Steps and meters are the primary health metric we use to set new user goals and track completion.

We use information from Apple Health and Google fit because the definition of steps and meters is uniform. The stride distance and measured meter will be the same even though Google fit can be installed on many different devices. We set equal measurable goals for kaksi users.

Once we set the baseline with equal measurement of steps and meters through a smart algorithm, we set goals for kaksi users.  The information is processed by the app so our smart algorithm can set goals for the user to meet.

Why we set user goals - The main mission of the app is to increase user activity. Presented as a % DZI Energy knows the performance of the goal at any given time. DZI Energy powers the entire health eco-system in the app. When the user reaches 100% DZI Energy, he earns DZI Pearls which he can monetize in discount offers, bonuses and gifts from DZI and our partners.

Heart rate

One of the most common causes of hospitalization in Bulgaria is heart problems. By monitoring your heart rhythm, our users can detect a heart-related problem at an early stage, which can prevent serious health problems. This data is not processed but only used to inform the user by displaying in a convenient place for the user.

kaksi does not have access to this information, it is not processed or stored anywhere. This data is only read and only presented to the user in real time only to inform the user by displaying the information at 1 more convenient location. The information available from Apple Health and Google fit is used because the definition of heart rate is unified.

Sleep levels

Sleep is important for the human body. During sleep, the human body recharges. It is important to monitor your sleep levels to understand the deviations in your health condition. This data is not processed but is only used to inform the user by displaying in a convenient place for the user.

kaksi does not have access to this information, it is not processed or stored anywhere. This data is only read and only presented to the user in real time only to inform the user by displaying the information at 1 more convenient location. The information available from Apple Health and Google fit is used because the definition of sleep levels is unified.

To work properly, the user needs to allow connection between kaksi and Apple Health or Google Fit.


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Използване на данни

DZI Pearls

You use kaksi and take care of your health, and
as a bonus you win DZI Pearls. Or in other words
- the currency of health.

DZI Energy

A smart algorithm that adapts to your sports
habits. Its goal is to increase your activity level
and help you achieve your recommended daily


In kaksi you create your digital self and watch
how your physical activity changes it. In doing
so, you change yourself too.

DZI Market

Turn your earned DZI Pearls into exclusive
discounts, bonuses and rewards from DZI and
our partners who get behind the cause with us.


kaksi gives you easy and convenient access to
the solutions of DZI and our partners - Healee
and Superdoc. You can also digitize your DZI
Health Card.

Провери kaksi. Бъди активен. Печели награди. Топ си.